GG was a 45’ public performance piece by Jordan Dykstra composed for 21 performers with melodicas and playback. Riders rode the G train in Brooklyn, NY from 6 to 6:45pm and again from 7 to 7:45pm on October 15, 2021 and experienced the premiere of this new work performed on the platforms of each stop along the line. Inspired by the history and ridership of the G train, musical games, Charles Mingus’ sonic interactions with the GG train along with subway improvisation culture, and the subterranean culture of the online gaming world, GG explored the possibility of microtonal listening and macro-spatial relationships on a local and geographically complex level while “musicking” within the realm of normally unheard — and underground — sounds.

GG was performed by Derek Barron, Kwame Brandt-Pierce, Galen Bremer, Hallie Blejewski, Griffin Brown, Ian Davis, Jesse Durost, Jordan Dykstra, Forrest Elimold, Morgan Evans-Weiler, Douglas Farrand, James Falzone, Assaf Gidron, David Grubbs, Zachary Paul, Jake Rudin, Ben Russell, Dave Scanlon, Teodora Stepančić, Emilie Weibel, and Bradford Willingham.

To dive deeper into the piece please view the score, the overall form, and press release.

Produced by Jordan Dykstra, GG is made possible through a grant by the New York City Artist Corps — in conjunction with the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) — and the Awesome Foundation.